C-19 test distribution service: recording and submitting transaction data


Pharmacies participating in the NHS community pharmacy COVID-19 lateral flow device distribution service must ask the person collecting the test kits the following three questions.

The answers to questions 2 and 3 must be entered into the NHSBSA’s Manage Your Service (MYS) portal  by the close of business on the pharmacy’s last trading day of the week.

  1. Have you collected LFD test kits before?
  2. Why do you need tests? (one reason only – only in relation to the first person requesting a test)
  3. What is the age range of the person using the kit? (for each box supplied – up to 4 boxes per transaction)

Download a sheet detailing the questions to be asked (for use when talking to people requesting test kits)


The data entered into MYS will populate the payment claim for the service, with the number of transactions you have undertaken in the pharmacy being based on the number of answers to question 2 (Why do you need tests?).

It is therefore essential that only one reason for tests being requested is recorded for each transaction and then reported on MYS, so an inaccurate payment claim is not made.

The number of individual test kits supplied per transaction (up to the maximum of four) will be determined from the answers to question 3 (What is the age range of the person using the kit? – for each box supplied). This data will be used for evaluation and service improvement purposes.

Download a data capture sheet (to record multiple supplies):          PDF        Microsoft Word

Download a data capture template (to capture data on individual supplies):          PDF        Microsoft Word

Read more about the service requirements and download resources