Chemists say: ‘This money won’t tackle the prescription cost crisis driving us out of business’

Daily Mail

The Daily Mail continues its campaign on behalf of pharmacies by reporting feedback from pharmacy leaders regarding the £645 million extra money that the Government recently pledged to community pharmacies.

CEO Janet Morrison said:

“The additional money is certainly not a magic wand that will make everything fine. We have been suffering under systematic funding cuts of 30% since the current NHS contract with community pharmacies was introduced in 2015 — and this is the first injection of money since then.

“We have been asking ministers for £875 million extra funding to get the sector through the next two years — so considerably more than the £645 million that has been announced. From our perspective, the pressures on our sector means that the ballpark figure for underfunding is actually around £1 billion.”

And on the Mail’s campaign, Janet said:

“The Daily Mail has done a great job in raising public awareness of the crisis, which has had a big impact. Now we feel more valued and understood by Government — and that has helped us to make the case for adequate funding.”


Chemists slam Sunak’s £645m pharmacies revolution and say: ‘This money won’t tackle the prescription cost crisis driving us out of business’ | Daily Mail