Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) Full Questionnaire

All community pharmacies in England were asked to complete 10 screening questions as part of the NHS England Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF), and some contractors will be asked to complete the full CPAF questionnaire.

Pharmacies may be selected for the full CPAF questionnaire if, for example, they did not complete the screening questions or if there are concerns about the pharmacy relating to patient safety. Some pharmacies may also be selected to validate their answers to the screening questions.

The full CPAF questionnaire will be available for pharmacy owners to complete between 6 November and midnight on 17 December 2023 on the  Manage Your Service (MYS) website. Selected pharmacies will be notified via email from the NHS Business Services Authority in the week prior to the go-live date.

The full version of the CPAF questionnaire, which may be helpful to view before starting to complete it, is available here.

If you have a query about accessing or using this questionnaire, please email, including your pharmacy ODS/F code and pharmacy contact details.

Following the full questionnaire, NHS England will decide which pharmacies to visit as part of the CPAF process. A visit is more likely if a pharmacy has been selected to complete the full CPAF questionnaire, but the completed questionnaire does not provide NHS England with sufficient assurances of compliance and quality under the contractual framework.

For further information and the latest news on contract monitoring through CPAF, please visit our contract monitoring webpage.