Daily claiming now available for the Hypertension Case-Finding Service

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has advised community pharmacy contractors that claims for the Hypertension Case-Finding Service (or NHS Blood Pressure Check Service as it is described in public-facing communications) can now be entered each day onto the Manage Your Service (MYS) platform. Contractors will still need to review and submit their data by the 5th of the following month.

The change, which was available from Thursday 9th June 2022, means that contractors can submit service activity daily throughout the month but will be required to log in to MYS to make their declaration for payment by 5th of July.

NHSBSA has indicated that it made the improvement to the claim process following feedback from MYS users. Contractors who have any questions about the change can contact nhsbsa.mys@nhs.net.

Commenting on the change, PSNC Director of NHS Services, Alastair Buxton, said:

“PSNC welcomes the facility to allow contractors to make entries when the service has been completed.

“As an interim measure, this will reduce some of the current claiming burden at the end of the month ahead of future pharmacy IT service solutions.

“Once the NHS and the NHSBSA complete their work on an application programming interface, pharmacy IT system providers will be able to develop solutions to support the creation of clinical records for the service, which will then support the required dataset being extracted from pharmacy IT systems and automatically submitted into MYS.”