Funding & Reimbursement Shorts: Price concessions

A video explaining the recent improvements to the price concessions process is now available for community pharmacy teams to watch.

Part of Community Pharmacy England’s ‘Funding & Reimbursement Shorts’ series, the new video guides viewers through recent changes to the price concession process. The regular series of short videos, launched to enhance understanding of common funding and reimbursement topics, is also supplemented by numerous resources such as the overarching ‘Top tips to maximise dispensing income’ factsheet.

In the latest video, Mitesh Bhudia and Sarah Welbourne from our Dispensing and Supply Team discuss ongoing work to improve the system for pharmacy owners and the changes implemented by the Department of Health and Social Care, including:

  • Price concession lines becoming Zero Discount;
  • Rolling over of price concessions; and
  • Retrospective top-up payments.

Watch the price concession video here:

Further information and resources (as referenced in the guide):

Price Concessions

How the price concession system operates

Medicines Supply and Price Concessions Resources

Funding & Reimbursement Shorts

Community Pharmacy England’s series of short videos aim to provide pharmacy owners and their teams with more information on common funding and reimbursement topics, enhancing understanding of specific topics and addressing common queries. In the videos, our in-house Drug Tariff and funding experts will offer practical advice on topics such as:

  • prescription endorsement and submission requirements;
  • common dispensing errors identified by our prescription audit team and advice on how to avoid these errors;
  • price concessions;
  • drug reimbursement reforms; and
  • how the margins survey works and other wider funding issues.

The videos are supplemented by factsheets and briefings produced by the Dispensing and Supply team including the overarching ‘Top tips to maximise dispensing income’ factsheet, which links to a wealth of resources and serves as a handy written checklist for the wider pharmacy team.

Later videos will cover topics such as endorsing Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) and more. We would also welcome your requests for other future topics – please email with any suggestions.