Get ready for the 2023 Workforce Survey
The 2023 Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey will launch later this month and, as was the case last year, all pharmacy owners will need to submit data to support workforce planning for the sector. The survey will be open for a period of eight weeks.
The survey will be conducted by North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS) on behalf of NHS England.
The 2023 survey maintains a consistent approach to the 2022 and previous surveys, focusing on the number of staff, the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) and any vacancies in each of ten staff categories employed in community pharmacy.
As with previous surveys, the data will be collected through two different methods:
- An online survey; or
- Via data collection at Head Office level through an Excel spreadsheet.
Pharmacies will be emailed by the NHSBSA, asking them to complete the online survey and we will also alert pharmacy owners when it opens via our email newsletter and this website. For those pharmacies that do not receive an email from the NHSBSA, it is likely their head office will submit data on their behalf, but if there is any doubt, they should check with their head office.