GPhC publish updated guidance for online pharmacy services
Today, the GPhC has updated its guidance for pharmacies that provide pharmacy services at a distance, including online, to introduce extra safeguards. This has been done to help prevent people from receiving medicines that are not clinically appropriate for them and could cause harm. This guidance has been updated in response to concerns the GPhC identified relating to some inappropriate supplies of medicines, including those used for weight management, as covered in widespread national news reports.
The guidance provides pharmacy owners and Superintendent Pharmacists with what should be considered before deciding whether pharmacy services can, or can continue to be, provided safely and effectively at a distance rather than face-to-face.
The main update relates to the consultation with the person requesting medicines. This includes verifying the information provided by the person in an initial questionnaire and enabling two-way communication between the person and the prescriber.
Other aspects of the guidance that have been strengthened and updated relate to the law and guidance on advertising and the promotion of medicines, safeguards for prescribing to patients without a GP, responsibilities of online pharmacies when working with a third-party prescribing service and being able to select a preferred prescription medicine before a consultation.
Read the updated guidance for more information: Guidance for registered pharmacies providing pharmacy services at a distance, including on the internet