Hypertension Case-Finding Service specification published

Announcement summary

  • The NHS Community Pharmacy Hypertension Case-Finding Service will commence on 1st October 2021
  • A draft specification has been published
  • Pharmacy contractors can register to provide the service and claim the setup fee

NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) have today, 29th September 2021, published a draft* version of the service specification for the Community Pharmacy Hypertension Case-Finding Service.

The service is the first of the two new Advanced services to be introduced this financial year as one of the agreed outcomes from negotiations for Year 3 of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework.

Download the Hypertension Case-Finding Service specification

Community pharmacy contractors that fully meet the requirements for provision of the Hypertension Case-Finding Service can start provision of the service on 1st October 2021.

Before commencing the service, contractors should read the draft service specification and notify NHSE&I that they intend to provide the service by completing the electronic registration through the NHS Business Services Authority’s (NHSBSA) Manage Your Service (MYS) application.

Read PSNC’s service implementation checklist

PSNC and NHSE&I will be holding a joint webinar, on Thursday 7th October 2021, for pharmacy teams and others interested in learning more about the service and how the service will operate. As well as outlining the requirements that contractors will need to meet prior to offering the service, the presenters will also highlight the guidance and resources available to support implementation and provision of the service.

Book your place at the webinar now

Further information

PSNC has published a Briefing to provide additional guidance and support to contractors on the Hypertension Case-Finding Advanced Service.

PSNC Briefing 041/21: Guidance on the Community Pharmacy Hypertension Case-Finding Advanced Service

Further information on the service, guidance and resources can be found via our Hypertension Case-Finding Service webpage. Additional contractor resources will also be available on the webpage shortly.

* The service specification is currently working its way through the NHSE&I publication approval process and the final version will be published shortly.

Commenting on the publication of the service specification, Alastair Buxton, Director of NHS Services at PSNC said:

“The launch of the Hypertension Case-Finding Service on 1st October will mark another key moment for community pharmacy’s expanding role within the NHS. This service will help identify many of the estimated 5.5 million people in England that have undiagnosed hypertension, supporting the NHS Long Term Plan’s ambition for prevention of cardiovascular disease.

“The service complements changes to the Primary Care Network Directed Enhanced Service which will also commence on 1st October 2021. This presents another opportunity for community pharmacy to work collaboratively with general practice and Primary Care Network colleagues.

“I encourage contractors to provide the service as soon as they are able, to show community pharmacy’s ongoing willingness to provide clinical services, further demonstrate how the sector can help reduce health inequalities and support the identification and prevention of long-term conditions amongst the population.”

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