LFD service: Promoting the service to care homes 

Pharmacy owners that are offering the Lateral Flow Device (LFD) service may want to consider approaching their local care homes to see if they would like to access free LFD test kits, ahead of the start of autumn, for those people eligible for the service. 

All people aged 85 years and over are eligible for the service and the following people are also eligible for free LFD tests: 

  • People resident in a care home who are aged 70 years and over;  
  • People resident in a care home who have a BMI of 35 kg/m2 or more; 
  • People resident in a care home who have diabetes; and  
  • People resident in a care home who have heart failure. 

Other people in care homes may also be eligible if they meet the eligibility criteria. Care home staff cannot obtain LFD tests via the service for their own use unless they happen to meet one of the eligibility criteria. 

People do not need to have symptoms of COVID-19 to obtain a free box of LFD test kits under the service. Therefore, ahead of autumn, when we may see an increase in demand for testing, it is a good idea for eligible people to ensure they already have a supply of tests. 

We have published a template email/letter that pharmacy owners could consider sending to their local care homes to highlight provision of the LFD service from their pharmacy. 

Download the email/letter for care homes