More time to take part in our Pharmacy Advice Audit


The participation period for our Pharmacy Advice Audit has been extended to Friday 28th June.

Whilst there has been an encouraging submission rate so far, we would like to increase this figure to ensure that the audit results have as much impact as they can. Recognising how busy community pharmacy teams are at the moment, we have decided to extend the deadline to Friday 28th June to make sure no pharmacy misses out on the chance to submit their data.

Your involvement will provide critical evidence for use in our ongoing call for increased funding for the sector – and capture healthcare advisory work not being covered by Pharmacy First. We will then use this data to build support for the sector via patient groups and health charities, politicians and election candidates, and the national press.

We need as many pharmacy teams as possible to take part over just a single day. This is your chance to have a direct impact on the case being made for community pharmacy.

Fin McCaul, an independent community pharmacy owner, Community Pharmacy England Regional Representative for the North West, Negotiating Team Member and Chair of our Service Development Subcommittee, said:

“We are really grateful to all those pharmacy teams who have already found the time to take part in our Advice Audit, but we need to hear from even more of you to give the findings the validity they deserve. The results of previous audits have been incredibly valuable in negotiations and wider discussions with influential people.

Pharmacy teams are extremely busy and I know how stretched they are for time but, given the immense pressure we are under, there has never been a more critical time to gather this evidence to highlight the fantastic work you do to political and NHS leaders.

Response rates for audits conducted during the pandemic were phenomenal and we are very keen to match those: the more pharmacies who get involved, the better, and we hope to hear from many more of you over this newly extended audit period.”

What we need you to do

Over the course of just one day, pharmacies are asked to follow four simple steps:

  1. Record patient/customer interactions where:
    1. advice was given by either a non-pharmacist team member and/or a pharmacist AND
    2. the consultation is not covered by the Pharmacy First service.
  2. Carry this out across a full working day, recording all consultations.
  3. Estimate the percentage of consultations that were recorded (this is to recognise that some consultations may be missed).
  4. When all consultations have been completed, enter the data on PharmOutcomes.

All the information and resources you need, including a template for data entry, can be found at: