MPs invited to Parliamentary event on Winter Pressures


This week we have invited MPs from all political parties to attend a Parliamentary drop-in event on winter pressures to learn more about community pharmacy.

The event in Westminster will be a good chance to brief MPs about the current winter pressures that pharmacies, like all parts of the NHS, are grappling with, but also to talk about the critical role that community pharmacies play in supporting their local communities and healthcare colleagues throughout winter.

We plan to convey to MPs that community pharmacies are playing an active role to support their patients throughout this period, but to emphasise that the sector needs fair and proper funding to enable these new services to be delivered in the long term. Pharmacies also need help to manage the worsening medicines supply situation.

The event will take place in Portcullis House on December 5th.

We hope that all of the other national community pharmacy bodies will also be present on the day, providing the sector with a valuable chance to present a united front on the big issues facing pharmacy owners throughout the country. We will be getting across to MPs the extreme pressures facing the sector as well as any action they can take to support us.

We will be tweeting about this event over the coming days, so make sure to look out and retweet our posts, tagging your local MP to invite them to the event.

We have also developed a draft MP letter from pharmacy owners/ general constituents:

MP invite to winter pressures drop-in

If you have any questions about the event, please contact


Your responses will build essential evidence, strengthening our call for greater support and funding for community pharmacies. Complete the survey today.

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