MPs launch inquiry into medicine shortages
The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Pharmacy has announced the launch of an inquiry into the impact of medicines shortages in England, the contributing factors and potential solutions. As part of this inquiry, the APPG has issued a call for written evidence from key stakeholders across the healthcare sector.
This inquiry comes in response to the growing concerns surrounding medicines shortages and their impact on patient care in the UK, including pharmacy teams’ ability to dispense medicines in a timely way. The APPG is aiming to develop practical recommendations to address this ongoing challenge and its impact.
The call for evidence is open to all those impacted by medicines shortages including pharmacists and pharmacy teams, GPs and prescribers, patient groups, professional organisations and medicines manufacturers and distributors.
The survey for pharmacists and pharmacy teams and GPs and prescribers is multiple choice and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. A longer form questionnaire is available for patient groups, professional organisations and medicines manufacturers and distributors. Please see submission details below.
The APPG is an independent cross-party parliamentary group, currently chaired by Labour MP Steve Race. We co-fund the Secretariat of the group along with the CCA, NPA, IPA and RPS.
In addition to supporting the vital work of the APPG, we are continuing with our own influencing and engagement work in Parliament. We are in the process of finalising a busy schedule of events for the coming year to ensure that Parliamentarians remain fully up to speed on community pharmacy.
Submission Details:
- Deadline: Friday, 24th January 2025
- How to Submit: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Pharmacy – Call for written evidence on medicines shortages
- Enquiries:
Zoe Long, Director of Communications, Corporate and Public Affairs at Community Pharmacy England, said:
“Community Pharmacy England supports all the vital work that the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Pharmacy does and we welcome this latest inquiry on medicines shortages. Supply issues continue to add to the huge pressures on community pharmacies and to impact on patients, and we hope this inquiry will both draw attention to the phenomenal work of pharmacy teams, and help to press for solutions. We will be submitting evidence to help inform the inquiry, building on our 2024 Medicines Supply Report, and encourage community pharmacists and pharmacy teams to share their experiences too.”