Our response to Conservative Party Manifesto

Community Pharmacy England has issued the following statement in response to the Conservative Party Manifesto.

Our CEO Janet Morrison said:

“We have been urging all political parties to commit to working with us to develop pharmacy services for the benefit of patients, pharmacies and the wider NHS. Pharmacies are vital community healthcare assets, but they need the security of a sustainable funding model to continue to deliver high quality primary health services.

The commitments made by political parties so far to look at expanding the role that community pharmacies can play – whether by expanding Pharmacy First, as pledged by the Conservative Party, or extending prescribing rights and public health services, as pledged by the Liberal Democrats – show the strength of the support for the sector, and this political consensus is very positive.

We were also pleased to see a specific commitment to expanding Pharmacy First into further treatment areas from the Conservatives. There is still work to be done to cement Pharmacy First’s long-term success and we urge all political parties to commit to long-term sustainable funding alongside any further development of pharmacy services.”

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