Pharmacies in England cutting services amid financial pressures, research finds

The Guardian, iNews

Community pharmacies across England are being forced to stop providing critical NHS and public health services as financial and operational pressures on them intensify. Just days after GP practices have begun limiting appointments, it has been revealed that patients and service users are losing access to other essential healthcare services in their communities.

In a June 2024 poll of pharmacy owners representing more than 2,100 pharmacies in England:

  • 96% of respondents (weighted) said they had stopped delivering locally commissioned services (such as emergency hormonal contraception, enhanced smoking cessation and public health support services, and Minor Ailments services that build on the national Pharmacy First service) over the past twelve months.
  • Nearly one third of pharmacies said they also had to stop provision of national pharmacy services (such as the New Medicine Service or vaccinations).
  • 81% of pharmacies had to stop offering extended opening hours.
  • In 90% of pharmacies, owners have also had to stop employing locum pharmacists – likely on cost grounds.
  • More than 20% said they had had to put an end to the free delivery of prescription medicines to patients.

Janet Morrison, Community Pharmacy England Chief Executive, said:

“Across England patients and local communities are paying the price of our collapsing community pharmacy network, as thousands of pharmacies have been left with no choice but to reduce the services that they can offer. These are not decisions that any pharmacy wants to make, but with a 30% real terms funding reduction and spiralling costs, pharmacy owners are having to make impossible decisions to try to keep their doors open.

These latest findings once again confirm the deep distress that community pharmacies are in; more than 1,000 pharmacies that have been forced to close their doors permanently since 2016.

Community pharmacies have so much going for them and they are doing more now than ever to support patients since the launch of the Pharmacy First service. But, without urgent help, they will not be able to do so for much longer.”


Pharmacies in England cutting services amid financial pressures, research finds | The Guardian

Pharmacies on brink of ‘collapse’ across England as 96% cut services | inews

"We have been assured that negotiations on the CPCF will recommence this month – and that cannot come quickly enough."

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