Pharmacy First submission deadline extended after technical issue


NHSBSA provided a further update on this matter on 14th March 2024. The deadline has now been extended until 11.59pm on Thursday 21st March 2024.

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has confirmed that the deadline for pharmacy owners to make their claims for February Pharmacy First consultations has been extended until 5pm on Friday 15th March 2024.

This is an extended deadline for February only (this includes any consultations completed on 31st January 2024) and it follows an issue with Pharmacy First claims appearing incorrectly in the NHSBSA Manage Your Service (MYS) portal. NHSBSA has advised that the issue is now resolved; however, as always pharmacy owners should check their submission carefully before submitting. If there appears to still be an issue, pharmacy owners should contact their Pharmacy First IT system supplier helpdesk to escalate the matter. They should also not confirm their claims in MYS until the issue has been resolved.

NHS England has been working urgently with suppliers and NHSBSA to investigate and address the problem, and in an email update to all pharmacy owners, NHSBSA gave the following guidance:

“On your MYS dashboard, there will be a report showing what you have claimed using the Pharmacy First Service. However, this report will not include any clinical pathway data until Thursday 7th March 2024. All other submission information will be present. The reports will also be renamed ‘Pharmacy First’ from ‘Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)’ from Thursday 7th March going forwards.

You will be able to see your claimable clinical pathway activity in the MYS claim screen before submitting a claim. There will be an option to view what you have submitted in the ‘Previous Submissions’ section of the claim screen. You will also receive a confirmation email (and to any additional email addresses that you have entered) after each submission.”

If pharmacy owners have submitted their claim with incorrect information, they should email the MYS team ( for further guidance.