PQS: Digital guide, workbook and other resources now available

PSNC has today published the following resources to support community pharmacy contractors meet the requirements of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) 2022/23:

PQS digital guide

This 30-minute digital guide talks contractors, pharmacy teams and Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs) through the requirements of the Scheme.

View the PQS 2022/23 digital guide

PQS Action and Evidence Portfolio Workbook

This contains questions (based on what contractors are required to declare) for pharmacy teams to answer to see if they are meeting the requirements of the gateway/domains. The Workbook also provides contractors with examples of suggested evidence that they can use to confirm they have the necessary evidence required by the end of 31st March 2023.

View the PQS Action and Evidence Portfolio Workbook

Briefing for general practice teams on the changes to the NHS community pharmacy contract in 2022/23

This provides information for general practice teams on the changes to the community pharmacy contract in 2022/23, including the revised PQS.

View the Briefing for general practice teams on the changes to the NHS community pharmacy contract in 2022/23

All of the above resources, plus many others, can also be found on the PSNC PQS hub page.

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has also published the following resources on their PQS hub page:

New Medicine Service gateway criterion spreadsheet

This allows contractors to check if they have met the New Medicine Service (NMS) gateway criterion. This will be updated on a regular basis throughout the remainder of 2022/23.

The spreadsheet can be viewed by scrolling down the NHSBSA PQS hub page and clicking on the ‘Number of NMS consultations provided in prescription processing month’ link.

Pharmacy bandings

Contractors can check which banding they have been placed in for the 2022/23 PQS (to enable them to can calculate how many points their pharmacy will be able to achieve in PQS) by scrolling down the NHSBSA PQS hub page and clicking on the ‘Pharmacy bandings’ link.

Our CEO gives a video update addressing the prolonged pause in the 2024/25 CPCF negotiations.

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