PQS: Patient safety report resource

A new resource to support community pharmacy contractors to complete their patient safety report, a requirement of the ‘Safety report and demonstrable learnings from the CPPE LASA e-learning’ Gateway criterion of the 2021/22 Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS), is now available.

PSNC has worked with the Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group to produce Completing the Patient Safety Report, which provides contractors with information on what they need to do to meet the patient safety report part of the Gateway criterion, as well as worked examples of a monthly and annual* patient safety report template.

Further information on this requirement is also available in the NHS England and NHS Improvement PQS guidance (pages 10-13). In addition, a monthly and a patient safety report template, which contractors can choose to use, are available below (all three resources are also available on the PSNC PQS hub page).

Patient safety report templates

A template to collate and review patient safety incidents each month: 

A template to complete the written patient safety report:

Pharmacy professionals are advised, if they have not already done so, to complete the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) Reducing look-alike, sound-alike (LASA) errors e-learning and assessment before completing the patient safety report (this is also part of the  of the ‘Safety report and demonstrable learnings from the CPPE LASA e-learning’ Gateway criteria) as demonstrable learnings from the CPPE LASA e-learning should be incorporated into the patient safety report.

Further information and resources on the 2021/22 PQS can be found at our PSNC PQS hub page.

*The above Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group resource includes an example of a completed annual patient safety template as per the requirement for previous Schemes. However, for the 2021/22 Scheme contractors are required to have a new written safety report (new since February 2020 when this criterion was last included in PQS or covering the last two years if not previously claimed). Therefore, the content of the annual patient safety report template is still relevant for completing the PQS requirement, but contractors should ensure their patient safety report covers the required period of time as stated above.