PSNC and others pledge support for wellbeing of pharmacy workforce 

PSNC and others have issued a statement on the wellbeing of the pharmacy workforce, recognising their shared endeavour to support pharmacy teams across all sectors to deliver patient care. 

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and Pharmacist Support hosted a roundtable to discuss the impact of pharmacy workforce wellbeing on patient safety. PSNC Director of Contractor and LPC Support, James Wood, was in attendance and signed up to the joint statement.  

This initiative is part of the continuous campaigning of various pharmacy bodies to promote the wellbeing of our pharmacy team members. The stakeholder group met earlier this week to discuss the results of RPS’ annual Workforce Wellbeing Survey which showed continued pressures. 

These are the very same pressures highlighted in the results of PSNC’s 2023 Pharmacy Pressures Survey, which found that 78% of pharmacy staff report that their work is having a negative impact on their mental health and wellbeing and 56% of pharmacy owners were extremely concerned about the wellbeing of their team members.   

The survey findings confirmed that this is a critical time to work together to continue raising awareness of the different pressures the sector is facing. Results also suggest that prioritising the wellbeing of pharmacy teams is the key to provide high quality patient care. 

A collaborative roundtable report will also be published later this summer.  

Read the joint statement. 

Read more about PSNC’s Pressures Survey results. 

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