PSNC factsheet about NHSmail on mobile devices

PSNC has published a factsheet for community pharmacy teams explaining how to access the shared NHSmail inbox within the Outlook mobile app. The app enables contractors to quickly and easily access NHSmail and provides contractors with the flexibility to choose how and when they would like to be notified about incoming emails.

The short one-page factsheet provides a step-by-step guide on how to set-up NHSmail within Outlook apps and how to adjust notification settings.

The addition of shared mailbox access to the Outlook mobile app followed representation from PSNC.

PSNC, working with the Community Pharmacy IT Group, maintains a list of commonly requested NHSmail features. Please send any suggestions about how NHSmail could be improved to

Further information

PSNC Briefing Factsheet: Using NHSmail with the Outlook mobile app

PSNC’s NHSmail webpage




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