Regs reminder (#2): Updating NHS website profiles

Ahead of the 2021/22 contract monitoring process, community pharmacy contractors are reminded of recent changes to the pharmacy Terms of Service. This article is part of a series of reminders.

On 20th October 2020 new NHS regulations were laid to introduce changes to the Terms of Service for pharmacy contractors. PSNC issued a series of 14 Regs explainer articles in November 2020 to help contractors and their teams to understand the new requirements.

Whilst deadlines for compliance with the changes have now passed, the end of 2020 was a particularly busy time for pharmacies, so contractors are advised to review our reminders in preparation for completing the 2021/22 Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) survey, which will include questions on some aspects of the new Terms of Service.

What is required?

Pharmacy contractors must ensure that there is a comprehensive and accurate profile for their pharmacy on the NHS website ( Contractors must also ensure they verify and, where necessary, update the information contained in the profile at least once each quarter of the financial year.

The current financial quarter is 1st April to 30th June 2021. If contractors have not yet verified or updated their profile within this quarter, they are encouraged to do so soon to ensure they have included any changes to their opening hours for the Spring bank holiday (31st May 2021).

Even if no changes have been made during the current financial quarter, contractors must still verify all elements of their NHS website profile as this creates a record which will act as evidence to NHS England and NHS Improvement that these actions have been undertaken.

The following information forms part of a pharmacy’s NHS website profile:

  • Organisation name;
  • Address;
  • Opening hours (the usual opening hours and those for Bank Holidays, Christmas Day, Good Friday and Easter Sunday) – these must also be updated when the pharmacy’s opening hours change, either temporarily or permanently;
  • The facilities the pharmacy provides;
  • The services the pharmacy provides;
  • Telephone number; and
  • Website URL.

Where can I get more support on this?

Further information on the NHS website, including how to gain access to update pharmacy profiles, can be found on PSNC’s NHS website page.