Reminder: Rivaroxaban tablets – changes to reimbursement from September 2024

Currently all branded and generically written prescriptions for Rivaroxaban tablets are reimbursed in line with NHS list prices of the brand originator Xarelto®. However, licensed generic Rivaroxaban tablets have been available in the market for several months following the patent expiry of Xarelto®. Consequently, selling prices of generic Rivaroxaban tablets have fallen sharply when compared to the NHS list prices of Xarelto®.

Therefore, DHSC has issued advance notice of changes to the September 2024 Drug Tariff to move:

  • Rivaroxaban 2.5mg tablets from Category C to Category A (Price decrease from £50.40 to £16.87)
  • Rivaroxaban 10mg tablets from Category C to Category A (Price decrease from £54.00 to £9.40)
  • Rivaroxaban 15mg tablets from Category C to Category M (Price decrease from £50.40 to £6.75)
  • Rivaroxaban 20mg tablets from Category C to Category M (Price decrease from £50.40 to £6.75)

Category A and M changes occur every quarter in the following months: January, April, July, and October. However, the changes above are being made a month earlier (outside the usual quarterly timetable).

From September 2024, branded prescriptions will continue to be reimbursed in line with the NHS list prices of Xarelto®. Reimbursement of generically written prescriptions for Rivaroxaban tablets will be based on the Category A and M prices published in September Drug Tariff. The Category A and M reimbursement prices will be calculated using information obtained from suppliers under the Health Service Products (Provision and Disclosure of Information).

Community Pharmacy England requested DHSC publish advance notice of these changes in order to help pharmacy owners review and manage their stockholding of Rivaroxaban tablets ahead of the Drug Tariff changes in September.

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