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EPS and Controlled Drugs

National roll-out for EPS CDs took place for three GP practice systems: Vision / EMIS / SystmOne. EPS CDs is also being rolled out for some urgent care prescribers subject to the prescribing system supplier. Read Community Pharmacy England’s EPS CDs FAQs factsheet  [...]

Published on: 16th July 2015 | Updated on: 28th March 2022


Summary of funding changes

Click on a year below to reveal more information.

Published on: 12th September 2014 | Updated on: 29th July 2024


Tokens (EPS)

Paper copies that are printed to accompany electronic (EPS) prescriptions are known as ‘tokens’. The barcode on the tokens can be scanned to retrieve the electronic prescription from the central NHS Spine. Community Pharmacy England’s factsheet: Summary of EPS-related forms [...]

Published on: 12th August 2014 | Updated on: 7th March 2023


Using your Schedule of Payment to monitor performance

Download our Factsheet: Using Your Schedule of Payments to Monitor Performance Community Pharmacy England encourages contractors to conduct their own internal audits by checking their FP34 Schedule of Payment as soon as possible after receipt to identify unusual trends/ potential [...]

Published on: 3rd March 2014 | Updated on: 8th July 2022


Price concession archive

The following list is an archive of price concessions granted. Price concession archive spreadsheet 

Published on: 1st August 2013 | Updated on: 4th September 2024


Data security, IG and Toolkit FAQs

This webpage sets out detailed data security FAQs set out below. See also: A summary Data security one-page factsheet summarised the most common FAQs. Specific requirement queries     Return to the Pharmacy IT hub; Data security and information governance; [...]

Published on: 23rd July 2013 | Updated on: 25th March 2022


Data security templates and resources

Community Pharmacy England with others prepared data security and data security (IG) templates that may assist pharmacy contractors with their completion of the Data and Security Protection Toolkit (DSPTK). Community Pharmacy England continues to revise these as needed. The GDPR [...]

Published on: 23rd July 2013 | Updated on: 16th August 2022


Prescription switching

Download our factsheet: Prescription Switching. During the pricing of prescriptions, if the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) does not agree with the charge group (i.e. paid or exempt) in which a prescription has been submitted, the prescription will be ‘switched’. [...]

Published on: 23rd July 2013 | Updated on: 16th May 2024


Prescription Rechecks

Pharmacy contractors concerned about prescription pricing errors may request the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) to carry out a recheck of prescription(s) (or entire monthly prescription bundles) if it is believed that they have been priced incorrectly. This factsheet explains [...]

Published on: 19th July 2013 | Updated on: 1st April 2022


PSNC prescription pricing audits

Community Pharmacy England’s Pricing Audit Centre The Pricing Audit Centre (PAC) team conducts independent checks to verify the accuracy of the pricing of prescriptions by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA). They also complete the monthly audit of the Margin [...]

Published on: 19th July 2013 | Updated on: 1st April 2022


Prescription returns

See our Community Pharmacy England Briefing 020/22: Understanding prescription returns and disallowed items. Where the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) cannot process a prescription item for payment due to insufficient endorsed information, it is returned to the pharmacy for the [...]

Published on: 17th July 2013 | Updated on: 23rd January 2024


Nomination of patients (EPS)

Nomination is a process that was introduced in Release 2 of EPS. It gives patients the option to choose, or ‘nominate’, a preferred dispensing contractor(s) to which their prescriptions can be sent electronically using EPS. See also: Nomination Core Principles [...]

Published on: 16th July 2013 | Updated on: 8th August 2024


Enhancing EPS or preparing for it

EPS enhancement and preparation info is set out on this webpage. Click on a heading or link to ‘show’ or read more or return to EPS home for more on EPS. To get the most out of EPS, refer to the EPS [...]

Published on: 16th July 2013 | Updated on: 7th April 2022


Sorting your prescriptions prior to submission

This section contains guidance for pharmacy contractors in England on submitting prescriptions to NHS Prescription Services. Welsh contractors should refer to information on the Health Solutions Wales (HSW) website. Pharmacy teams are able to download our Prescription Submission Factsheet for more information. How [...]

Published on: 15th July 2013 | Updated on: 13th July 2022


Distance selling pharmacies

The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 detail a number of conditions for distance selling pharmacies (DSPs) in addition to the regulations governing all pharmacies. As compliance with the conditions is a pre-requisite for all DSPs [...]

Published on: 10th July 2013 | Updated on: 6th June 2024