Services Database Alcohol Screening, Brief Intervention, Audit & Follow-up Service (Stafford Borough Area)

Service ID



Community pharmacies within Stafford Borough signed up to the service will deliver coordinated alcohol identification, screening and brief intervention programme as part of the borough-wide strategy.

The programme has six elements:

  1. Identification;
  2. Screening;
  3. Brief Intervention;
  4. Referral;
  5. Follow up; and
  6. Monitoring of the service.

Location of service

South Staffordshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Alcohol screening & brief intervention

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The Alcohol Learning Centre has produced an online e-learning resource specifically for community pharmacy and can be accessed at no cost by simple registration.

The five modules cover:

  • Facts about alcohol
  • About alcohol identification and brief advice
  • Tools for identifying alcohol misuse Clinical approach to brief advice
  • Practising brief advice
  • Assessment

The training focuses on equipping the pharmacist or team member with the necessary background to facilitate a brief discussion about the results.


This service is available in Stafford Borough area only.