Services Database Domiciliary Medicine Use Reviews (Wandsworth Area)
Service ID
Eligible people will be identified by GPs as requiring a Domiciliary MUR during their Care Plan consultation. The GP will then refer suitable patients onto the relevant community pharmacy.
Community pharmacists may also identify potential eligible people but will need to discuss and seek clinical agreement with the patient's GP practice.
Service outline:
- Identification of eligible people
- Arrangement of home visit
- Provision of the MUR and additional assessment at person's home
- Recording of MUR and additional assessment and scoring using amended RIO system
- Waste avoidance- linked to waste initiative
- Disposal of unwanted medicines
A follow up home visit within 3 months of the domiciliary MUR may be indicated in certain circumstances to ensure the interventions made have been implemented where the patient is at high risk of emergency admission. This will require GP approval.
Location of service
Sutton, Merton & Wandsworth LPC
Other: Transitioned from PCT.
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Domiciliary care
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Not known.
This service is available in the Wandsworth area only.