Services Database Emergency Hormonal Contraception (East Riding of Yorkshire Area)

Service ID



This service will support delivery against the three main sexual health Public health outcomes
framework measures (in bold) and the key Sexual Health Priorities for the East Riding of Yorkshire:

  •  Provide accessible, confidential EHC services for women and teenage girls within local
    communities, taking account of the size and largely rural nature of the East Riding of Yorkshire
    geographical area:
    o Provide rapid access to high quality services;
    o Increase access to EHC for vulnerable groups;
    o Reduce unintended pregnancies among all women of fertile age;
  •  Reduce the number of under- 16 and under-18 conceptions:
    o Build knowledge and resilience among young people;
    o Prioritise prevention - Increase chlamydia detection in the 15-24 year olds;
  • Prioritise prevention - Reduce the number of people presenting with HIV at a late stage of

Location of service

Humber LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Emergency hormonal contraception

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Not known.


This service is available in the East Riding of Yorkshire area only.