Services Database Emergency Hormonal Contraception Service (Bradford Area)

Service ID



Aims and objectives of service

• The aim of the service is to increase access to sexual health services in Bradford in
order to reduce unintended pregnancies and improve sexual health. In addition the
services will increase knowledge of the consequences of risky sexual behaviour by
providing information and advice as appropriate on sexual health issues including
STIs, avoiding unplanned pregnancy, contraception and delaying sex (as
appropriate). The service will also improve awareness of the range of sexual health
services available in the area.

• Specifically, the services will comprise: a consultation, information and advice,
signposting to other services, provision of emergency hormonal contraception (EHC)
and pregnancy testing.

• Females aged 19 and under who present within 120 hours of unprotected sexual
intercourse will be provided with emergency hormonal contraception (subject to
circumstances) free of charge

• The Contract allows the Provider to supply Levonorgestrol or Ulispristal
emergency hormonal contraception to appropriate clients in line with relevant
guidance and patient group directions, by accredited pharmacists from the
accredited Provider.

• Increase the Public Health role of the community pharmacist and promote
multidisciplinary working in relation to sexual health.

Location of service

West Yorkshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Emergency hormonal contraception

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacists must complete the Declaration of Competence to be able to provide the EHC service.


This service is available in the Bradford area only.