Services Database Needle Exchange (Derbyshire County Area)
Service ID
Service Description
The service shall be delivered in line with the Derbyshire Pharmacy-based Needle & Syringe Programme Operational Guidelines in Appendix E. The service shall be operated by suitably trained pharmacy staff under the direction of a pharmacist.
They shall:
- Register new service users on to the web-based monitoring system selected by the Council (currently PharmOutcomes).
- Record subsequent transactions on the monitoring system
- Offer injecting equipment on a ‘pick and mix’ basis
- Encourage service users to take sufficient equipment to allow the use of a new needle and syringe for every injection
- Give health promotion advice, including advice and information on how to reduce injecting related harms
- Participate in specific harm reduction campaigns in conjunction with the Council or its commissioned integrated substance misuse service.
- Refer service users to the integrated substance misuse service and other health and social care services as appropriate
- Strongly encourage service users to return all used injecting equipment to the pharmacy for disposal
- Accept and store returned equipment with due regard to safety
- Maintain sufficient stock levels and order replacement stock in a timely manner
Location of service
Derbyshire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Needle & syringe programme
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
This service is available in the Derbyshire County area only.