Services Database Needle & Syringe Provision Scheme (Devon and Torbay Area)
Service ID
The key objectives of the service are to:
- offer a user-friendly, non-judgmental, client-centred and confidential service at all times;
- provide access to approved injection materials and paraphernalia, together with sharps containers for return of used equipment and appropriate health promotion materials;
- provide safe disposal for used equipment returned by service users;
- offer support and advice to service users, including referral to other health and social care professionals and specialist drug and alcohol treatment services where appropriate; and
- assist service users to remain healthy until they are ready to cease injecting and ultimately achieve a drug-free life with appropriate support.
Location of service
Devon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Needle & syringe programme
Other organisations involved
Y-Smart Drug & Alcohol Services
Start date:
End date:
All pharmacies participating in the Needle and Syringe Provision Scheme must be accredited by Devon DAAT. New pharmacies joining the scheme will be prioritised according to a needs-led mapping exercise coordinated by Devon DAAT, which will determine the service’s expansion.
The lead pharmacist is required to complete the CPPE open learning programme for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians: substance use and misuse and provide Devon DAAT with a copy of their completion certificate. This is a requirement of accreditation.
The lead pharmacist has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge and are appropriately trained in the operation of the service.
Formalised harm reduction training events will be organised by Devon DAAT.
All new pharmacy staff involved in needle and syringe provision should attend harm reduction training and the lead pharmacist is required to make reasonable efforts to ensure continued staff attendance at harm reduction training when it is offered.
This service is available in the Devon area only.