Services Database Oral Contraceptive Management Service Pilot

Service ID



The aim of the pilot is to create additional capacity in primary care and sexual health
clinics for ongoing oral contraception access to be available through a community
pharmacy to relieve the burden on wider primary care and sexual health clinics and
provide improved access for patients.

1. To test a model for community pharmacy teams to continue the provision of
contraception supplies initiated in primary care or sexual health clinics using a Patient
Group Direction to undertake the review and supply process.
2. To test an integrated pathway between existing services and community pharmacies
to allow people greater choice and access when considering continuing their current
form of contraception.
3. To identify a consistent agreed data set that should be shared with the community
pharmacy independent via any specific IT system to support the referral process and
feedback loop to the GP held patient record where appropriate.
4. To evaluate the Tier 1 service model encompassing quantitative and qualitative
measures including service user experience, the experience of pharmacy staff and
primary care and sexual health professionals and the safety of the service within
community pharmacy.
5. To inform the scope and service model design for a Tier 2 service that would enable a
community pharmacy initiated oral contraception service pilot.

Location of service

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough LPC


NHS England

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




To support clinical skills and knowledge the following modules7 are required as a
minimum to deliver this service (and should be updated every 2 years):
o CPPE Safeguarding Level 2

o CPPE emergency hormonal contraception
o CPPE contraception including contraception and e-assessment 2021 or the
following four subsections of the FSRH Sexual and Reproductive Health (eSRH) on e-LfH:
▪ Mechanism of action, effectiveness and UKMEC
▪ Choosing contraceptive methods
▪ Combined hormonal contraception
▪ Progestogen only methods (oral and injectable)
o CPPE consultation skills in community pharmacy
o CPPE Sexual health in pharmacies and e-assessment 2021 or FSRH Sexual
and Reproductive Health (e-SRH) on e-LfH:
▪ Epidemiology and transmission of STIs
▪ STI testing
▪ STI management
▪ Partner notification
o FSRH contraception counselling module e-assessment
Contraception and sexual health training is available through existing training providers
such as the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH), and the CPPE and
can be accessed through e-learning.

To support operational service delivery, training will be supported through the pilot for
participating pharmacy teams agreed on a per pilot basis.

All pharmacists providing the service must have read and understood the operational
processes to provide the service as described in the service specification, standard
operating procedures, and the toolkit.

Any additional training / e-learning e.g. webinars as determined by the commissioner
may be required to inform of the Service Specification and align with locally
commissioned service provision.

Additional training will be required when moving to subsequent tiers.
