Services Database Pharmacy Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice Service (West Sussex county council)
Service ID
The aim of this service is to provide early interventions to people who are drinking at increasing risk and higher risk levels, in order to prevent alcohol-related harm and possible future dependence on alcohol.
The service comprises 2 levels of activity:
- alcohol screening for anyone meeting eligibility criteria, using the AUDIT C scratch card; and
- delivering Brief Advice for people scoring 5+ on AUDIT C, alongside the distribution of the ‘Help and advice about drinking’ Patient Information Leaflet. This will include signposting to local support options.
Location of service
Sussex LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Alcohol screening & brief intervention
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All staff who deliver the service must complete the e-Learning for Health Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice programme for community pharmacy.