Services Database Point of Dispensing Intervention Service (North East Lincolnshire Area)
Service ID
The aims of the service are:
- to reduce the number of unwanted medicines dispensed and therefore wasted, by not dispensing items patients do not require;
- to notify the prescriber when an item prescribed has not been dispensed;
- to promote, support and encourage good repeat/ prescribing practices with patients and GP practices;
- to highlight over or under usage of medicines to the prescriber; and
- to inform the prescriber whether the continued supply or non-supply of items would be considered clinically significant.
The pharmacy will at the point of handing out a completed prescription to a patient (or their representative where the patient has consented to the representative acting in this capacity) discuss with the patient the contents of the completed prescription and whether each item as dispensed is required by the patient.
Where, as a result of the discussion described above, an item that has been ordered on the prescription is identified as not being required by the patient, the pharmacy will, at the discretion of the pharmacist, make an intervention to not dispense the item.
Location of service
Humber LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
NHS England
Service type
Not dispensed scheme
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Not known.
This service is available in the North East Lincolnshire area only.