Services Database Primary Eyecare Assessment & Referral Service (PEARS)

Service ID



The aims of this service are to:

  • improve access for people with minor eye conditions by:
    • promoting self-care through the pharmacy, including provision of advice and where appropriate medicines without the need to visit the GP practice;
    • supplying appropriate medicines only when necessary at NHS expense
  • utilise the expertise and accessibility of community pharmacies;
  • encourage patients to visit community pharmacy for the management of minor eye ailments; and
  • to integrate community pharmacy into the local care pathways as an integral provider of care within the community.

The suitably trained member of the community pharmacy team will supply the appropriate medicine for a minor eye condition as diagnosed and recommended by an optometrist working within the PEARS pathway.
The supply of medicine will be in response to the diagnosis by the optometrist. The optometrist will refer the patient to a community pharmacy involved in the scheme by providing the patient with a PEARS form.
The pharmacy team member will ensure that the medication is appropriate and provide counselling on how to use the medicine and what to do if the condition deteriorates or fails to improve.

Location of service

Wolverhampton LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Service type

Eye care

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Not known.
