Services Database Provision of Flu Vaccinations 2014-15 (Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire Area – 2 LPCs Involved)
Service ID
Please note this service is commissioned across Bristol, Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire by the Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire Area (BNSSSG) Area Team. Therefore, the following LPCs have the same seasonal influenza vaccination service in their areas:
- Avon LPC (Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire areas)
- Somerset LPC
The service has only been added onto the Services Database under this entry to avoid duplication.
The service allows pharmacists to administer the influenza vaccination under Patient Group Direction (PGD) to patients who are aged between 18-64 years of age who are in one of the clinical risk groups.
Location of service
Avon LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
NHS Enhanced service (AT)
Source of funding
NHS England
Service type
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/10/2014
End date: 31/03/2015
Training must cover the administration of immunisations in accordance with the Health Protection Agency Core Curriculum (2005) to include vaccine preventable disease, cold chain requirements, intramuscular immunisation technique, use of PGDs and specifically flu vaccine administration. A face to face or e-learning package must have been completed since October 2013, and evidence of completion of training must be available within the pharmacy for inspection by the commissioner if required.
Training will include management of anaphylaxis including documentary evidence of anaphylaxis training since October 2013.
Pharmacists providing this service must have received up to date training in emergency life support procedures and the pharmacy must have available the equipment and medicines necessary for the management of anaphylaxis.
The provider has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge and are appropriately trained in the operation of the service. It is the responsibility of the provider to ensure all staff involved in the provision of the service are kept up to date and are made aware of any national or local changes which may affect the provision of this service.