Services Database Sexual Health and Contraceptive Service (Brighton & Hove County Council Area)
Service ID
This service is intended to provide a sexual health and contraceptive service to individuals from
community pharmacies across Brighton and Hove. The service includes the supply of emergency
hormonal contraception (EHC) to individuals aged 25 or under and chlamydia treatment under Patient
Group Direction (PGD) to all individuals referred by the Chlamydia Screening Programme (CSP).
Location of service
Sussex LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Sexual health
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
• Pharmacists must be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council or Pharmaceutical
Society of Northern Ireland.
• Patient Group Directions have been authorised by BHCC for the supply of EHC and
chlamydia treatment by community pharmacies in Brighton and Hove.
• Emergency contraception and chlamydia treatment may only be supplied by a pharmacist
accredited under the accompanying Patient Group Direction (PGD). Pharmacists providing
the service must sign the PGD and the PGD must also be counter signed by an authorising
• Pharmacy staff must also be trained to confidentially refer each request for EHC or
chlamydia treatment to the accredited pharmacist.
• The pharmacy contractor must ensure that pharmacists providing the service are competent
to do so. Pharmacists will demonstrate to the pharmacy contractor that they have the
necessary knowledge and skills to provide the service by completing the Emergency
Contraception Declaration of Competence (DoC) and were appropriate the Chlamydia
Testing and Treatment Service DoC on the CPPE website.
• Signing the DoC whilst not meeting the competencies may constitute or be treated as a fitness
to practice issue. Pharmacists’ personalised statement of declaration should be retained and
may need to be provided to commissioners and/or employers when required via the CPPE
• Pharmacists must have up-to-date knowledge relating to the clinical condition covered by the
PGDs, the medicine and its use for the indications specified in the PGDs. Pharmacists must
also participate in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as defined by the General
Pharmaceutical Council.
• The declaration of competence must be updated every 3 years.
• It is a requirement for the pharmacist to set the CPPE viewer on their CPPE profile to “open”
to enable commissioners to view the DoC. The PharmOutcomes application on the CPPE
profile will also need to be enabled so that the DoC information can be shared with
• Pharmacist must enrol on Pharmoutcomes to enable them to provide the service.
This service is available in the Brighton & Hove County Council area only.