Services Database Smoking Cessation Behavioural Support (Nottinghamshire County Area)

Service ID



The service is provided to support people to stop smoking from age 12 and above, covering the area of Nottinghamshire, with the exception of the City of Nottingham.

The service includes:

  • an initial consultation, involving assessment of motivation and readiness to quit and agreement on a quit date;
  • assessing nicotine dependence (The Fagerström Test) and offering appropriate feedback;
  • discussing the use of pharmacotherapy as outlined in the Nottinghamshire Smoking Cessation Treatment Algorithm and including giving advice on and provision of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) via the NRT Community Pharmacy Voucher Scheme and giving advice on the provision of bupropion or varenicline if appropriate (clients wishing to use these products should visit their GP with a prescription request from their advisor and continue to receive behavioural support through their advisor);
  • providing information on the nature of tobacco withdrawal and advising on the management of withdrawal symptoms;
  • weekly support for at least the first four-weeks of the quit attempt, with a total potential client contact time of at least 1.5 hours;
  • monitoring compliance with pharmacotherapy;
  • a four-week follow up appointment and where possible smoking status of self-reported quitters confirmed by carbon monoxide (CO) validation if possible - the 4-week follow-up must be carried out between 25 to 42 days from the quit date, regardless of whether the smoking status is self reported or CO validated; and
  • completion of a client monitoring form for each patient and sent to NCC for the deadlines stated in the Deadlines and Reporting Section.

Please note this service has now finished.

Location of service

Nottinghamshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved

New Leaf Stop Smoking Service, Bassetlaw Stop Smoking Service


Start date:
End date:




The member of staff supporting the smokers must have completed Level 2 Smoking Cessation training (previously provided by Public Health) or the National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training (NCSCT) e-learning and assessment.  This may be achieved by accessing online training:

or through the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE):


This service is available in the Nottinghamshire County area only.