Services Database Smoking Cessation Service
Service ID
The new Camden and Islington Stop Smoking Service offers people who would like to stop smoking the opportunity to access various levels of support suited to their lifestyle and individual preferences. The service is 'e-cigarette friendly' and offers support to people wishing to stop smoking with the help of self-purchased e-cigarettes.
Providers may offer a tier 2 service to any eligible smoker, that is any smoker motivated to quit who is aged 13 years or over and lives, works or studies in Camden or Islington, and/or is registered with a Camden or Islington GP. The tier 2 service consists of evidence-based stop smoking behavioural support and pharmacotherapy (NRT), with the client’s smoking status recorded at 4 weeks (25 – 42 days) after their set quit date. A tier 2 stop smoking intervention consists of 6 one-to-one sessions of behavioural support and advice/ supply of pharmacotherapy, with a minimum of 2 sessions delivered face-to-face (quit date and outcome date).
Location of service
Camden & Islington LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
- Pharmacists and others trained by Breathe Stop Smoking Service to supply NRT under this service and have been accredited in line with NCSCT, NICE and Fraser guidelines
- Has undertaken appropriate stop smoking practitioner training and has been approved to deliver interventions.