Services Database Stop Smoking Service (Bath and North East Somerset (BANES) Area)
Service ID
The aim of the service is to improve the health of the population of the Bath and North East Somerset(BANES) area by providing help and support to those who want to stop smoking through the direct provision of behavioural support services and/or pharmacotherapy.
Location of service
Avon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Transitioned from PCT
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Specialist Stop Smoking Service
Start date: 01/04/2012
End date:
At least one member of staff will need to attend Level 2 stop smoking training co-ordinated by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service. That staff member is expected to attend follow up training as appropriate.
As advisors will be working one to one with young people and vulnerable adults, all stop smoking advisors are required to have an enhanced DBS check.
This service is available in the Bath and North Somerset (BANES) area only