Services Database Stop Smoking Service (Cheshire West & Cheshire Area)

Service ID



Stop smoking support service and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) voucher service

Stop smoking support programme in the pharmacy consists of:

  • Initial assessment and support session (approximately 30 minutes)
  • Subsequent support sessions (15 minutes) and follow up - Weekly appointments should be carried out for at least the first four weeks.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can be provided, within the product licence, to clients who advisor(s) assess as being suitable for it.

Location of service

Cheshire & Wirral LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved

CWP West Stop Smoking Service


Start date:
End date:




Training in smoking cessation skills and techniques is provided by the CWP West Stop Smoking Service for Pharmacists (and those who would have achieved accreditation by the 1-day training date) and pharmacy technicians/dispensers/healthcare assistants (HCAs) trained to a minimum of NVQ level 2 or are currently training for it.

The level of training provided by the CWP West Stop Smoking Service differs slightly dependant on whether it is for a Pharmacist or Technician/Dispenser.

Pharmacists training requirements
The training for Pharmacists consists of a 1-day face-to-face programme run by the CWP West Stop Smoking Service and an open learning programme provided by the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) which is the underpinning of all on-going Pharmacists training. The internet–based CPPE National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) Module for Smoking Cessation provides Pharmacists with the necessary underpinning knowledge to provide a quality enhanced stop smoking service and should be completed before attending the 1-day face-to-face training.

Pharmacists should also read:

  • “Helping smokers to stop: advice for Pharmacists in England”
  • “Brief Interventions and Referral for Smoking Cessation in Primary Care and other Settings” (Public Health Intervention Guidance No 1).

Technicians / Dispensers / HCA’s Training Requirements
Technicians and Dispensers are also required to complete the 1-day face-to-face programme run by the CWP West Stop Smoking Service. Before attending the 1-day training they must also complete the internet–based NCSCT Module for Smoking Cessation via the NCSCT’s website on This training is currently free of charge. All training covers the standards as outlined by the NCSCT.

In order to achieve the specific competences, Technicians, Dispensers and Healthcare Assistants will also be required to supplement their learning through additional reading provided on the course and time shadowing core specialist stop smoking advisors during their interventions with clients (if permitted by the pharmacist / pharmacy manager).


This service is available in the Cheshire West & Cheshire area only.