Services Database Stop Smoking Service (Torbay Area)
Service ID
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) may be supplied under this scheme for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks. It is recommended that this is dispensed for 2 weeks, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 4 weeks.
Initial appointment - At the initial appointment the client should be provided with an overview of the service and their CO level should be monitored using a Smokerlyser. Different therapy options should be discussed and NRT dispensed if appropriate. A quit date should be agreed.
2nd appointment (approx 7 days after quit date) - Progress should be reviewed and CO levels monitored. Checks should be made to ensure the client is not suffering with side effects from the NRT and coping strategies for cravings should be discussed.
3rd appointment (approx 14 days after quit date) - Same as appointment 2 plus a further 2 weeks supply of NRT should be made.
4th appointment (approx 21 days after quit date) - If the client has made it this far, they can be recorded as a successful quitter. NRT should be provided in lower dose and four weeks worth of NRT should be supplied. CO level should be monitored.
Further appointments - The client may continue to visit the pharmacy for NRT under the contract, up to a total of 12 weeks’ supply.
Location of service
Devon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
To achieve accreditation pharmacists must:
- complete the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) Smoking module, NCSCT Stage 1 or local brief interventions training; and
- attend a workshop run by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service; or
- attend the Level 2 Intermediate Adviser training face to face course delivered by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service
Counter staff
To achieve accreditation counter staff must attend the Level 2 Intermediate Adviser training face to face course delivered by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service.
All Stop Smoking Advisers must attend training updates annually to ensure best practice is delivered; these updates will be made available via Torbay and Southern Devon health and Care NHS Trust through the adviser network meetings and annual training events.
This service is available in the Torbay area only.