PSNC Briefing 029/21: Pharmacy Quality Scheme – Guidance for pharmacy contractors on the PCN domain
Published on: 24th August 2021 | Updated on: 10th June 2022
The continued development of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) across England remains a key part of implementing the NHS Long Term Plan. It is therefore of great importance that community pharmacy continues to seek to be a fully integrated part of the networks. The Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) 2021/22 includes one domain which seeks to encourage pharmacies to collaborate and work together as part of on-going steps to engage effectively with PCNs. This PSNC Briefing contains guidance for community pharmacy contractors on how they can achieve this element of the scheme.
PSNC Briefing 029/21: Pharmacy Quality Scheme – Guidance for pharmacy contractors on the PCN domain
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