PSNC Briefing 043/21: Resources to help update external stakeholders on pharmacy and the CPCF arrangements

Published on: 1st October 2021 | Updated on: 10th June 2022

This PSNC Briefing sets out an update on the arrangements for Year Three of the five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) deal. The briefing, and accompanying Powerpoint presentation, has been written with external stakeholders in mind (e.g. charities, local politicians, or wider healthcare professionals). Contractors and LPCs may like to use these resources in any discussions they are having about the pharmacy sector and what it has to offer.

PSNC Briefing 043/21:  Community Pharmacies: An update on the five-year deal and CPCF arrangements

PSNC Slide deck: Community Pharmacies in 2021/22


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