Have you signed up for priority access to utilities?

Published on: 10th December 2018 | Updated on: 27th October 2022

Community pharmacy contractors confirm each year that business continuity arrangements are in place via their Data Security and Protection toolkit declarations. You can now sign up for the Priority Services Register to boost your business continuity arrangements further. Inclusion on this register should mean your pharmacy has priority access to electricity, water and gas supplies.

The Priority Services Register is run by the UK’s utility companies.

How to sign-up?

Your utility bills may explain how to sign-up and provide contact details. Alternatively, identify who your energy supplier is at the Energy Networks Association’s (ENA’s) website or search for “PSR” and or “Priority Service Register” on your utility company websites.

Whilst signing up, tick the information-sharing box to confirm your details can be shared between utility companies for PSR purposes.

When requesting priority (usually via an online form):

  • enter two or more contacts;
  • confirm your email address for receiving messages about planned or unexpected service;
  • select the reasoning for your priority, including the options: medical equipment->refrigerated medicines; and chronic/serious illness; and
  • include the word ‘pharmacy’ within your request.

You will need to send a separate request to your water supply company explaining you are a ‘sensitive property’, as relevant data sharing between water and other utility companies is not yet in place.


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