Post Discharge and Reablement
Published on: 29th May 2015 | Updated on: 15th March 2022
Examples of this service that have been commissioned locally are available on the Community Pharmacy England online services database.
Tools and publications which may be useful to support the commissioning of this service can be found on the Service development tools and publications hub.
Click on a heading below for more information.
Community Pharmacy England Services Case Studies Hub
Community Pharmacy England Think Pharmacy prospectus: Pharmacy reablement service (June 2019)
Service case study: Positive results in first six months for anticoagulant hospital referral service
Service case study: Isle of Wight pharmacy teams’ work recognised by Healthwatch
Evaluation indicates lower rate of readmissions for patients using post-discharge scheme
Community Pharmacy England Briefing 047/15: Supporting frail, vulnerable and older people to live independently (Aug 2015)
This Community Pharmacy England Briefing provides background information and statistics on the challenges people face in managing their medicines; and provides examples of locally commissioned pharmacy services which are supporting and empowering people to manage their medicines, while assisting them to live independently and prevent hospital admissions.
Presentation at the Pharmacy Show: Bridging the Gap – Integrated referrals – Kevin Noble (October 2017) (If prompted, password is: Pharmacy17)
Presentation at the Pharmacy Show: Medicines optimisation, transfers of care and AHSNs – Neil Watson (Sept 2016) (If prompted, password is: pharmacy16)
Presentation at the Pharmacy Show: Refer to Pharmacy: From hospital to community pharmacy – making it work effectively – Alistair Grey (Sept 2016) (If prompted, password is: pharmacy16)
Community Pharmacy Future Project: Four or More Medicines (FOMM)
This service was aimed at patients aged over 65 years taking four or more medicines. The full results of the service evaluation have been published in the International Journal of Pharmacy Practice.
Healthwatch – Safely home: what happens when people leave hospital and care settings? (Jul 2015)
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