Transforming Community Equipment Services

Published on: 19th July 2013 | Updated on: 15th March 2022

Under the Transforming Community Equipment Services (TCES) programme, the Department of Health proposed that accredited retailers, including community pharmacies, could be reimbursed for supplying ability aids and equipment against ‘prescriptions’ (N.B. not NHS FP10 forms).

Under the scheme, Community Equipment Prescriptions would be issued to eligible patients, for equipment such as mobility and bathing aids, furniture, sensory aids and general living aids. Pharmacies would need to register as accredited retailers to supply this equipment.

Local councils are generally responsible for managing such schemes; community pharmacies interested in providing this service should contact their local council to enquire whether there is an opportunity to be part of the scheme.

The Community Equipment Dispenser Accreditation Body (CEDAB) is responsible for registering the premises of retailers who wish to dispense prescriptions for community equipment under the TCES programme.

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