Urgent Care/NHS 111

Published on: 11th December 2017 | Updated on: 15th March 2022

Examples of this service that have been commissioned locally are available on the PSNC online services database.

Tools and publications which may be useful to support the commissioning of this service can be found on the Service development tools and publications hub.

Related resources

Community Pharmacy England Services Case Studies Hub

Service case study: NHS 111 refer patients with low acuity conditions to community pharmacies (December 2017)

Presentation at the Pharmacy Show: Community Pharmacy: An integrated option for out of hospital care – Mike Maguire and Andre Yeung (October 2017) (If prompted, pasword is: pharmacy17)

Presentation at the Pharmacy Show: Integrating pharmacies – NHS 111 Integrated referrals – Kevin Noble (October 2017) (If prompted, password is: pharmacy17)

For more information on this topic please email comms.team@cpe.org.uk

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