LPC Member and Officer Briefings on Employment Law Matters (online)

21st November 2022 19.00-21.00


Event information

An important recommendation of the Review Steering Group (RSG) was for PSNC to provide support that standardises practices across the LPC network in line with good practice on HR and finances.  In September 2022, PSNC commissioned Clyde and Co LLP to provide all LPCs in England with an employment law portal, containing confidential legal advice notes and template documents on employment law topics.

The advice and documents have been drafted specifically to cater for LPCs by Clyde & Co LLP, who are specialists in providing employment law advice. As well as a range of business-as-usual templates such as a staff handbook with all policies and employment procedures, contracts of employment, consultancy agreements, there is also specific advice for LPC members in relation to running a transformation process and on how to deal with issues and manage the risk around liability of individuals on the committee due to unincorporated association status.

To support the launch of the portal, PSNC and Clyde & Co LLP will be running a webinar briefing for LPC members and officers on employment law matters. The webinar will cover the following:

  • The support available to LPCs, signposting the portal advice
  • LPC member risks and responsibilities
  • Transformation process – restructuring: TUPE, redundancy and dealing with issues
  • Common question and answers


Registration for this webinar is at no-direct cost to LPCs and the event is open to all LPC members and officers. You can register for the webinar here.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact lpc.support@cpe.org.uk