LPC Chairs Forum convened to advise Community Pharmacy England

A Forum of LPC Chairs, created to provide more local input into the representation of pharmacy owners at a national level, met for the first time last week.

The new Forum aims to bring a stronger local voice to national work, steer Community Pharmacy England on local matters, and foster collaboration on areas of mutual interest. A Council of Chairs was first put forward in the Independent Review of Community Pharmacy Contractor Representation and Support by Professor David Wright. Whilst this didn’t have widespread support within the sector, alternative proposals put forward to create national forum of LPC representatives – and therefore voices of local pharmacy owners – were identified by the Review Steering Group (RSG) and taken forward as part of the Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) work programme.

The Forum was established earlier this year following consultation with LPCs and comprises the Chairs of all LPCs. It brings together all Chairs of LPCs (or Vice Chairs) in England to support the work of LPCs, Community Pharmacy England and each other. Its purpose is to:

  • Share information, experience and best practice amongst Local Pharmaceutical Committees;
  • Allow for more local engagement from pharmacy owners and their representatives and for discussion with Community Pharmacy England on emerging issues or areas of concern;
  • Allow for consultation and input into Community Pharmacy England’s draft plans and policies during their development and testing; and
  • Encourage collaborative working to progress specific activity of mutual benefit.

During its inaugural meeting, the LPC Chairs reviewed and reconfirmed the Forum’s aims and ways of working before receiving an update from the Community Pharmacy England Leadership Team. The update highlighted the team’s recent work around political influencing and the expected outlook for community pharmacy over the next few months.

Time was devoted to discussing emerging issues such as feedback on Pharmacy First and considering matters for future contemplation. The LPC Chairs considered the processes around the annual LPC Finance and HR Survey and attendance of LPC Observers at Community Pharmacy England Committee meetings.

The Chief Executive of the Association of Chairs also spoke to the Forum about how the organisation can support them in their role as LPC Chairs. Community Pharmacy England has arranged for all LPC Chairs to have membership of the Association.

A report on the nature and content of meetings and other activity will be regularly provided to the Community Pharmacy England Committee and to LPC committees.

Forum of LPC Chairs in England: Terms of Reference

James Wood, Director of Member and LPC Support at Community Pharmacy England, said:

“It was fantastic to attend the first in-person meeting of the Forum of LPC Chairs. The convening of the Forum was an important step in strengthening the bond between national and local representation of pharmacy owners for the benefit of the sector.

In establishing the Forum we aimed to foster an atmosphere of open engagement so that all LPC Chairs feel able to both share their views and work through difficult issues in a collaborative and constructive way. Even from this very first meeting, it was plain to see that the Chairs were keen to be involved and offer their contributions to discussions. This was encouraging to see and I look forward to continuing to have such valuable input from the Forum in future.”