NHS England extend use of NBS for flu vac

NHS England has announced, via an email message cascaded to pharmacy owners by ICBs, that they are offering use of the National Booking System (NBS) to all pharmacies that provide the Flu vaccination Advanced service.

Previously, use of NBS to book flu vaccinations was only available to pharmacies that were also offering the COVID-19 vaccination service, where patient use of NBS to book appointments is the norm.

In autumn/winter 2022/23, NHS England ran a proof of concept pilot, in which community pharmacies in the north west were able to upload flu vaccination appointment calendars onto the NBS. That was assessed to be a success, so they have decided that this Autumn they will offer all community pharmacies only providing the flu vaccination service (and not also providing C-19 vacs) the opportunity to use NBS to upload flu appointments for eligible patients to book.

Pharmacies providing both the C-19 and flu vacs services will continue to be able to use NBS for bookings of both vaccinations.

The use of NBS for flu vaccinations is a voluntary option and the functionality within NHS Profile Manager, which was added last year to allow pharmacies to add a link to their own flu vaccination booking system within their NHS website profile, remains in place.

NHS England is asking pharmacies that would like to take up the offer to use NBS (and who don’t already have access to NBS as part of the COVID-19 vaccination service), to complete their NBS flu form by 1st September 2024.

You will need your pharmacy ODS code (F code) and the name and secure email addresses (NHSmail email addresses are secure emails) of two pharmacy representatives who will be given access to NBS. Following registration, you will be sent login details, training details and further information.

Any queries on this should be emailed to england.vacspolicyandcontracts@nhs.net.

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