Oestrogel® and Testogel® – reimbursement price changes for August 2024

Following representations from Community Pharmacy England on behalf of community pharmacy owners, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has redetermined the reimbursement prices for Oestrogel® and Testogel® preparations dispensed in August 2024.

On 1 August 2024, there was an increase in the NHS list prices of Oestrogel® and Testogel® preparations manufactured by Besins Healthcare (UK) Ltd. However, under the current price change mechanism, the new list prices would only apply to reimbursement for NHS prescriptions dispensed from September 2024.

To avoid pharmacy owners dispensing these products at a loss, DHSC has granted the following reimbursement price changes for the dispensing month of August. The price adjustments below will apply to both branded and generically written prescriptions.

Generic product Brand product Pack size Previous  reimbursement price (August 2024 Drug Tariff) Redetermined reimbursement price (effective from August 2024)
Estradiol 0.06% transdermal gel (750microgram per actuation) Oestrogel® Pump-Pack 0.06% gel 80g £6.17 £9.15
Testosterone 16.2mg/g transdermal gel (20.25mg per actuation) Testogel® 16.2mg/g gel 88g £31.11 £39.94
Testosterone 40.5mg/2.5g transdermal gel unit dose sachets Testogel® 40.5mg/2.5g transdermal gel sachets 30 sachets £31.11 £39.94