Stocking COVID-19 antivirals

NHS England has asked us to remind pharmacy owners that they can order the following COVID-19 antivirals free of charge from Alliance Healthcare:

  • Molnupiravir 200mg capsules (Lagevrio 200mg capsules)
  • Nirmatrelvir 150mg tablets and Ritonavir 100mg tablets (Paxlovid 150mg/100mg tablets)

They recommend pharmacies keep one or two courses in stock, depending on usual demand, to dispense against prescriptions immediately. This will help to build resilience in the COVID-19 antiviral supply chain and help to reduce waiting times for patients presenting time sensitive prescriptions for the products.

The products are supplied without charge from the Government’s stockpile, so there is no financial impact if the product is held and then goes out of date. There is also no single order surcharge for these products.

Your responses will build essential evidence, strengthening our call for greater support and funding for community pharmacies. Complete the survey today.

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